DC: Tempura and soba noodles

The Daring Cook Challenge in February brought us to learn some Japanese dishes. We really loved the Sobe Noodle Salad. Soba noodles are buckwheat noodles, and I had never eaten them before. But since this challenge we have already made them several times. The recipe is really flexible and you can add any veggies you feel like. We never used dashi as we thought we would not use it much afterwards, and just substituted it with regular vegetable broth.

Another thing I liked a lot from this challenge was learning how to make these thin Asian omelette.

The second part of the challenge was to make tempura. This is a dish I have already tried several times and which I really like. The “dough” for the tempura is very easily done and there is no need for special flour mixes. But our homemade tempura came out to greasy, even if we had carefully measured the oil temperature. Maybe the dough was not cold enough as we did not have any ice at hand. The little one loved specially the sweet potatoes and of course the mushrooms.